Sunday, January 10, 2010

Houston Baby-Killing Super-Center

Planned Parenthood is getting ready to open a modern-day Auschitz in Houston this April. Life-loving patriots will be holding a prayer rally and march outside the cash-register-shaped building (how fitting is that?) on Monday, January 18th. Here is a clip about the the protest of the opening of this monstrosity, courtesy of Bound4Life:

Current Texas law defines a person as and individual and an individual as "a human being who is alive, including an unborn child at every stage of gestation from fertilization until birth." (Tex. Penal Code §1.07.26) And yet, other provisions of the law tell abortionists that killing children is legal as long as those children are still inside their mothers' wombs. The law defines these unborn children as persons, which should give them the same legal status that any other person has. We, as citizens, must demand that our government protect the right to life of ALL persons, not just certain ones. If the law can say that killing persons is legal under certain conditions, then what is stopping it from expanding those conditions?

We must protest loudly and persistently the opening of this new murder super-center. We must demand that officials of our state legislative, judicial, and executive branches of government remove the unjust laws that fail to protect the most basic rights of the most vulnerable of persons. And if these office holders fail to do so, then we must vote them out of those offices and replace them with candidates who realize the truth that we are ALL created equal, that we ALL have God-given rights to life and liberty, and that government's ONLY responsibility is to ensure and protect those rights.

So everyone please keep contacting our state officials with our demands that unborn children receive the same protection under the law that we all already have. And while you are doing that, go out and find and campaign for candidates who will fight for those protections.

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